Coming Soon: A Change to the WordWalk Points Reward System

Currently, WordWalk starts you off with 0 points and then you get 10 points for each correctly placed subword and an extra 100 for the rootword (which also counts a subword so, in fact, you 110 points for the rootword).  So, for a five-subword puzzle you can get a maximum of 160 points.

Moving forward (possibly starting tomorrow) the points system will be different.  You will start out with a certain number of points (say, 100, for discussion purposes).  Then you will get 10 points added to your points stash for each new correctly guessed letter and also 10 points for each new correctly guessed arrow.  These points will not be added, however, until after you've completely and successfully placed the subword in the puzzle graph.  Once that is done you will get some extra points (say, 25) for the subword itself and the new points for new letters and arrows that were obtained while placing the subword.

If you fail while trying to place a subword, you won't lose remaining guesses as is currently done.  However, you will lose points.  You will lose the same number of points as you would have gained, had you correctly placed the subword.

In this way, you maximize the number of points you can win by correctly placing all the subwords and the rootword.

The formula for total points possible (disregarding failures) is:

Max Points = 10*number_of_letters + 10*number_of_arrows + 25*number_of_subwords + 125

Did I do the math correctly?

For you graph theorists out there, you will notice that number_of_letters = order of the graph and number_of_arrows = size of the graph.




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